All reputable online casino software providers use Random Number Generator (RNG) technology to ensure that you have a totally fair experience, and the games are always supported by strong technical backing. However, as is the case with all machines (and humans, for that matter), there’s a chance that, very occasionally, a piece of online casino software might calculate your winnings incorrectly.
For example, a lag or technical glitch might mean that you’re playing £1 spins, but your win is calculated based on £0.10 spins, or you might have raised your number of paylines to the maximum, but the software accidentally calculates your win based on fewer lines.
We need to emphasise that any wrong calculations you experience will be entirely a technical glitch, and it’s never done on purpose. That said, it is super important to raise issues like this to the customer support team as soon as you possibly can, as glitches like this are not really acceptable at all when you’re playing at an online casino for real money.
What’s gone wrong?
The online casino software has glitched and done the wrong calculation, so your win is either less or more than expected.
What to do next
Follow our tips below to figure out what the root of the problem might be and how you can solve it.