Home Blog Australian clubs seeking for approval longer playing hours pokies

Australian clubs seeking for approval longer playing hours pokies

Last update: May, 2024

Written by: Lisa Cheban Content writer
Australian clubs seeking for approval longer playing hours pokies

More and more Australian clubs and pubs seeking for approval to let their visitors play their pokies after midnight. However, experts consider the time between midnight and 4am as the most dangerous hours for problem gamblers. Mostly because people in clubs and pubs are very drunk between these hours. Also, data shows that pokies double their profit between these hours.

A spokesperson from the Liquor and Gaming NSW told that the biggest concern with poker machines is that “gamblers are more likely to chase losses and take greater risks as the night wears on”. Data from 2019 shows that late night gambling doubles the profit for pokies. That is why there is an increase in applications to extend hours for pokies in clubs and pubs.

While clubs and pubs seek for longer opening hours, some organizations seek to ban the same pokies because of money laundering concerns and problem gambling. That is why Premier Dominic Perrottet is pursuing a cashless gaming card to play on pokies. This cashless gaming card should trouble money laundering.

However, Hotels, pubs and clubs are battling fierce against such cashless gaming card. They argue that implementing these cards are too costly and would result in the loss of thousands of jobs in the industry. Therefore, they want to make this an election issue towards the March poll.

Meanwhile, online casinos start to get more and more popular. In online casinos visitors can play 24/7 on online pokies and other gambling related activities such as Roulette and Black Jack. There are anti-gambling groups who are now trying to ban commercials for online casinos. Future will prove whether this will help in the battle against problem gambling.

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