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Will there be online gambling reforms in Australia?

Last update: May, 2024

Written by: Lisa Cheban Content writer
Will there be online gambling reforms in Australia?

The Australian government is looking into the country´s online gambling regulations and ecosystem. It is researching whether regulations should be implemented to improve the country´s responsible gaming legislation.

The House of representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs are looking into several issues regarding online gambling and online casinos. Issues that will be discussed are the relationship between the online gambling industry and sport, gambling advertising and commercials and new gambling tech.

“The inquiry will be a fresh look at online gambling and whether current laws, regulations, consumer protections and education and support programs are enough to reduce harm to gamblers. The Committee is concerned about the increasing reach of online gambling platforms into Australians’ lives, the exposure of children and young people to gambling advertising and how this may contribute to increases in problem gambling in the future.” Said Peta Murphy, Chair of the committee.

So one of the objectives of the committee will be whether the existing regulations are effective enough for reducing online gambling problems. One of the important regulations regarding gambling commercials are the restrictions on exposing gambling commercials to young children. The committee will research whether these regulations are effective enough.

The committee will also dig into new forms of gambling that has appeared in the last couple of years. Forms of gambling such as loot boxed in games and social casino games will be reviewed to see whether additional regulations are needed to protect the public. Since the Interactive gambling act of 2001, a lot changed in the online gambling space. Which means not every new form of online gambling is specified properly in this gambling act.

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