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LotteryWest contributes to Western Australian Community

Last update: May, 2024

Written by: Lisa Cheban Content writer
LotteryWest contributes to Western Australian Community

For the second year in a row, LotteryWest contributed a record-breaking return to the Western Australian Community. In 2021 and 2022 combined, LotteryWest contributed over a billion in lottery prizes and grants. 2021 was a record breaking year, where it made 55 woman millionaire when the group from the northern suburbs gym won $80 million together in the Powerball prize of LotteryWest.

In February, the LottertWest contributed even more to the community when a syndicate from Kalgoorlie won a share of $63 million of the $120 million Powerball Jackpot. The lottery also contributed significantly to the community with directs grants of $323 million.

In Western Australia there were also 428 non-profit organizations and local governments who profited from the grants that LotteryWest are providing. More than a hundred million dollars where granted to those local governments and non-profit organizations.

One of the non-profit groups that profited from the grants from LotteryWest was the WA Council of Social Services. Which is a project to build digital skills and knowledge for WA front-line workers that is needed in an increasingly digital world. The project wat granted almost $4 million.

Of course, there were also a lot of Western Australian players who were lucky to win $708.8 million. The fact that LotteryWest could contribute record breaking numbers to the Western Australian Community also had to do with the increase in sales for LotteryWest. Last year the sales increased with 14%, which provided the Lottery with the possibility to give back more to the community of WA.

Premier Mark McGowan about the state-owned LotteryWest: “Having the only State-owned lottery in Australia, Western Australia benefits as the profits continue to be returned to the community, as they have for almost 90 years.

“This year marks the second year in a row Lotterywest has produced a record-breaking result, supporting community organisations who provide services, support and inspiration to make our already great State greater.”

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