Starting with the entertainment value, our team was suitably impressed with the sheer quantity and quality of the game content found in the casino library.
One Casino offers many online casino games from many of the industry’s top software providers. The lobby is stocked with 2,900+ online slot machines, classic table games, live dealer titles and progressive jackpots.
The game variety is impressive, from Pragmatic Play’s Sweet Bonanza slot series to Evolution’s popular live-streamed game show games and everything in between. Immerse yourself in adventure slots, hit progressive jackpot networks, or enjoy social gameplay in one of the operator’s bingo rooms.
Get lost in the world of Nolimit City’s gritty horror slots, or try Games Global’s Mega Moolah progressive jackpot network for a chance to hit big. You may also wish to explore the operator’s own exclusive releases. There are classic casino games, innovative roulette variants, high-roller table games, live poker tables, and so much more.
The One Casino games library is a vast yet finely curated collection of high-quality casino games produced by some of the best in the industry. It is guaranteed to deliver a fantastic gaming experience to Canadian players.
Bonuses and Promotions at One Casino
The One Casino bonuses start with a no-deposit free spins bonus, which you can access just by signing up for a new account. It forms part of the generous welcome bonus as detailed below:
Welcome Bonus
The welcome offer at One Casino comes in two parts. The first is the no deposit required free spins bonus, awarding you 50 free spins on the Fire Joker slot game when you create a new account.
The second part is a 50% match bonus on your first eligible deposit bonus up to $100. The minimum deposit at the casino is $10, and the playthrough for withdrawals is 25x.
Be sure to read the T&Cs before claiming the offer. For example, at One Casino, different games will contribute differently toward your wagering requirements, so check to make sure you choose the right ones:
- Slot machines and video slots – 100%
- Table games – 10%
- Play’n GO titles – 10%
- NetEnt branded games – 10%
A cashback bonus is almost like a commiseration reward for players who end the week in the red. If you have lost more than you have won, you could be eligible for a cashback bonus to the tune of 10% of your losses for the week.
You qualify by making deposits and withdrawals. If you have withdrawn less than 25% of the total amount you have deposited in your account over seven days (Friday to Friday) and have an account that isn’t in profit, you will qualify for the weekly cash-back bonus as per the table below:
💰Cashback Bonus 💰 | |
Total Lost | Cashback |
$100.00 | $10.00 |
$250.00 | $15.00 |
$500.00 | $25.00 |
$1,000.00 | $50.00 |
$2,500.00 | $150.00 |
$5,000.00 | $250.00 |
Club One
Club One is the operator’s loyalty program, in which all players are automatically enrolled at the point of registration. It is a multi-tiered program with six tiers, starting from Member status and going up to Supreme.
When you play casino games, you earn points, which contribute to your member status. The more points you earn, the higher you climb the tiers. The higher you go, the more plentiful and valuable the rewards you receive.
Rewards include deposit bonuses, weekly free bonus cash, cashback, birthday and anniversary gifts, a personal account manager, and a rake of personalized bonuses if you hit Supreme status. It’s a lucrative program and well worth investigating if you are a regular player.
Banking Options at One Casino
When it comes to One Casino banking, you have a wide choice of payment methods to fund your account in Canada. You even have a choice of currency, as the operator accepts CAD, EUR, and DKK, although we imagine most players will opt for CAD because there is no capacity to use Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency.
To make payments, you can use your Visa or Mastercard—both credit and debit—and Interac or iDebit for bank transfers, a Paysafecard, or a MuchBetter eWallet. As with many other casinos, the operator prefers that withdrawals use the same banking method.
It’s worth noting that you must make a one-time deposit of $10 or more before you can request a withdrawal. Once requested and provided the operator is satisfied with ID verification, an estimated 1-3 day processing time is expected for withdrawals.
Thanks to the website security measure the operator has implemented, you can ensure secure transactions and data protection. Look for the padlock icon in your browser address bar, and if you’re using Chrome, you can click to verify the certificate validity.
Mobile Gaming Experience
The One Casino mobile-friendly site design, built using HTML5 technology, allows you to play directly via your mobile browser for a seamless gaming experience on the go.
Whether you use Apple iOS, Android, or Windows, you can log into your account and access the full scope of the casino library without worrying about downloading any software.
That being said, many players prefer using mobile applications, so the lack of a One Casino mobile app is surprising. We can’t be sure if this will be remedied in the future, but as it stands, the website is optimized for mobile gaming.
It’s responsive to varying screen sizes, so you can still get the full mobile casino experience on your smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device.
Customer Support and Service
In a refreshing change, not only are there plenty of One Casino support options, but it’s easy to find their contact details if you’d prefer not to use the live chat function.
Of course, the 24/7 live chat is the easiest and most efficient way to reach the support team. When we trialled the service, we found the team was quick to respond and both polite and helpful.
You can submit a customer service ticket using the web contact form on the website or use the following contact details:
📧Email Support | |
💬Live Chat | Yes, available 24/7 |
☎️Phone Support | +356 27 782 188 – that’s Malta, and it’s not toll-free, so check your call rates before dialling! |
Security and Regulation
Site security is a key element of any online casino review. We need to know that we’re protected while playing online casino games, so casino trustworthiness is a must.
As previously stated, we were fairly sure One Casino security wouldn’t be an issue. When this many top game providers partner with an operator, it’s usually a sign that the operator is above board and fully compliant with all regulation requirements.
The company behind One Casino is One Casino Ltd, headquartered in Malta and licenced and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority. In addition, it holds a full operational licence issued by the UKGC and is independently audited and certified by eCOGRA.
Online gaming regulation requires that compliant online casino games use random number generator (RNG) technology to ensure that game outcomes are entirely random and completely fair.
As One Casino is committed to fair gaming, it only carries games produced by reliable developers, so you can be sure of the fairness of the games you are playing.
Furthermore, the website itself is built with HTML5 technology and uses advanced SSL encryption to ensure that all payment transactions are secure and that your personal data is protected.
Our team appreciated the operator’s commitment to safer gambling and the tools provided to help players. You can set self-imposed limits around session times, deposits, and wagering, as well as loss limits, to help you control your gambling and stay safe while playing online.