There are new gambling regulations In the state of Tasmania, players from Tasmani cannot spend more than AU$5000 a year on online pokies, unless they ask to increase the limit. The state government announced these rules according to a nation-leading pre-commitment scheme. In Victoria the Crown Casino in Melbourne will have to introduce strict daily gambling limits for players.
Gambling limits on online pokies in Tasmania and Victoria
Last update: May, 2024
In Tasmania, players will need a new cashless card in order to play at the pokies. This cashless card is part of the gambling minimalization program of the state government in order to reduce gambling harm from pokies and other slot machines. Players will be subject to a set limit of 100 Australian dollars per day and a monthly loss limit of AU$500. The annual limit that a player can lose is 5000 Australian dollar. However, players can get this limit removed or set at a higher limit if they can prove that they can afford to lose money. The players will also have to prove how they came about their funds. Which is all part of the anti-money laundering regulation.
At the same time, the state of Victoria is imposing new rules for the Crown Casino in Melbourne. This casino failed to live up to the gambling rules regarding problem gambling, responsible gaming and anti-money laundering. The new rules that are imposed by the Victorian gaming commission will be about implementing wagering limits for player who visit the Crown Casino. These limits are set at AU$1,000 per day.
Moreover, for big winners it is getting a little bit more difficult to cash out big wins. When a players wins more than 1K, an identification check is needed in order to fight money laundering through gambling.
These are the first couple of new rules for Tasmania and Victoria. However, it is expected that there will be more to come.