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Best time to go to casino to win

Last update: May, 2024

Written by: Jaqueline Quintero Content Writer
Best time to go to casino to win

Have you ever wondered when is the best time to play casino slots and win big? It turns out that early evenings seem to be the ideal time, when the atmosphere is cheerful and relaxed, and players arrive after a long workday to enjoy a couple of drinks and some gaming fun. At this stage, the casino is not extremely crowded yet, and there might not be many people under the influence as in later in the night or the wee hours of the morning.

Every casino has its differences and its crowd, and these patterns might not resemble the ones at your local casino, but if you tend to have a hard time finding available slot machines every time you visit your favorite spot, then we encourage you to go ahead and try new things. Nowadays, online casinos are a wonderful option in order to avoid having to queue at your preferred slot machine. Just by logging in you can instantly play some of the top titles without having to wait at all!

If we look at some of the statistics, the time of day can certainly have an effect on the results of gaming. The numbers show that jackpots tend to increase when the casino is filled with people playing slots, but the truth is that anyone can hit the jackpot at any time and the chances of earning a big prize don’t increase or decrease.

Which Day of the Week Brings in the Best Winnings?

Every gambling fallacy is preceded by some popular story or myth. Playing during certain days of the week or times of the day can lead you to an edge and raise the possibilities of winning at certain games. This advantage, however, happens only in machine-based games, when it is said that casinos modify the payout rate of slot machines depending on the busiest days.

There are some people who believe that renowned casinos adjust the payout of their slot machines to a higher degree during busy times, that is, when there are many people to witness others hitting the jackpot. It is thought that starting at 6:00 PM on Fridays, the payouts become more frequent, prompting customers to keep spending money and investing their gains back into the casino. The best times to gamble are usually between 6:00 and 10:00 PM on Fridays, with some places leaving the high payout rates up until Sunday night.

It is presumed that as long as the place is busy, you can play and hit the jackpot, but some people also think that casinos give bigger prizes when the places aren’t hectic to keep the few customers engaged and take advantage of their money. This is all based on opinions rather than facts, and the reality is that if a casino wanted to change the payout of every slot machine, they would have to manually change every microchip of every device. Although this is not an unthinkable task, it seems highly improbable and more like an urban legend than a reality.

Casinos are built with profits in mind, so the game industry designs its products with the aim of making players lose money and raising their benefits in the long run, which is the root of the phrase “the house always wins”. Taking this advantage into account, we can assume that casinos don’t manipulate their machines and that odds are determined by chance or good luck, with the one exception being the games with a progressive jackpot.

A progressive jackpot is a kind of payment system where the value increases with time, that is, the bigger the amount of people betting on the video poker or slot machine, the bigger the sum of money the ultimate winner will earn when they hit the jackpot. A way of heightening the chances of winning big is to figure out which progressive jackpot games haven’t given a prize in a long while and are due for a payout. The disadvantage of this method is that a player can end up spending large quantities of money without receiving anything back, which tempts some players to snoop around the casinos and wait for other customers to leave a machine they have been playing at for a long while without any luck, boosting their options of winning shortly afterwards.

Empty or Busy Casinos?

As we have mentioned, the larger the amount of players enjoying a slot machine, the faster the jackpot will be reached. Nevertheless, the odds of each customer will stay the same, and it is up to you as a player to decide whether you prefer playing on an empty or a buzzing space. It is easier to find your favorite games at the casinos that are less crowded, and a lot of customers favor that over a busy place where you have to wait your turn.

When it comes to online slot games, there are no limits as to how many players can be playing and fighting for the jackpot, and the more you play the closer you get to achieving one of the progressive jackpots.

Big Jackpots

Progressive jackpots are hard to predict and can easily happen at the end of every spin, with each bet or side bet augmenting the amount of the jackpot. The longer a jackpot stays untouched, the bigger it gets, and when a fortunate player wins the jackpot, the amount will reset itself to the lowest demarcation and start slowly raising again. If there has been a long while since your last jackpot, keep searching for your luck, since intrinsically the odds will be in your favor.

Can You Feel the Luck?

Slot machines are games of chance, and luck is the only factor that can tip the fortune towards you. Some people admit that if you wake up feeling lucky one day, then it is your chance to play the slots and try to win big. It can be as simple as taking the sense of a favorable advantage to the casino with you!

On the contrary, if you don’t feel that luck within you, it would make a lot of sense not to play slots that day. The best policy is to always trust your instincts!

Mornings or Evenings

Slot machines are run by RNG, so there is no need to calculate when the most appropriate timing will be, because it won’t change the outcome of the game. The most important factor to take into account is to enjoy the game and play whenever you want, because regardless of when you do it, you could lose or win big!

The World of Superstitions

Gamblers are known for being some of the most superstitious people in the world, and one of their most famous fears is to play on a machine with a cold seat. Some of them go as far as to believe that a machine can know if you are comfortable or not and behave accordingly!

These aspects can get in the way of your enjoyment and you should always remember that they are only tales, so stop worrying and have fun!

Other Games

Besides slots, casinos offer other games such as roulette, blackjack, baccarat, and poker.

Playing During Off-Peak Times

Most 24-hour casinos will allow you to play slots at any time! As previously mentioned, many gamblers believe that busy times are the best moment to play slots, but since the machines pay out through the software’s RTP, this myth can easily be disproved.

Due to this, a good tip is to avoid holidays, since that can be overwhelming for you as a player and can lower the level of enjoyment.

What About Tables?

Unlike slot machines, table games aren’t available at any time, since they are actually manned by croupiers. You can find some 24-hour casinos that have that offer or you can look at their hours and keep that in mind, but overall, the tables tend to stay open until late at night.

Your Casino Location and Opening Times

It is always good to know the operating times of your favorite establishment, and depending on its location, when the busy times happen and how that might affect the traffic to the casino. Late night sessions are normally the most active times and people can interrupt your enjoyment, so if you are a gambler that enjoys quiet, try to look for smaller casinos or the early hours of the day.


What time of day gives you the biggest amount of money?

As we have previously talked about, some players believe that games pay more during Saturday and Sunday, or that playing between 3:00 and 7:00 PM gives you the best deals.

How can I choose a winning slot machine?

When playing any online casino games for money, it’s not necessary to develop strategies. Roulette players can also rely on their luck, though a good strategy increases the odds and minimizes the chances to lose. But don’t worry: if you don’t want to delve into details, just place a random game and enjoy the outcome.

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